Monday, July 16, 2012

My Food Cart has 4 really great wheels!

My Food Cart has 4 really great wheels!
Many moons ago I had a mid-life crisis!  As my 40th Birthday approached, I found myself in the middle of the “Mommy Car Pool” orbit.  I decided I had to liberate myself, release the inner woman (still very hip in my own mind). I decided that I had to have a Convertible Sports Car!  I had to have it old, new, shiny or pale; my summer of 1996 had to include my hair flying in the wind, driving along the shores of Lake Erie in a convertible.  And, as I am a determined and passionate (okay obstinate) woman, I did bring home the “dream car”!  It wasn’t brand new…but it fit the bill.  It was a beauty, a Jewel Blue Mustang GT Convertible.  I tend to love things deeply and have a very hard time letting go.  So, I share with your today, my long ago mid-life crisis…is now my summer-fun, traveling Food Cart!  It may be a little shabbier, a lot older…but man, ain’t  it still so cool!  As my GrandKids Owen, Connor and Ava say “Memere, don’t you just love the car with no roof?!...Yes kiddos, I do!”

I will be packing up my wares, all ready for my debut at the VEGGIE U 10th ANNUAL FOOD & WINE CELEBRATION …straight dab in the middle of my Third Chapter Crisis…. Doing what I love, passionate about the culinary world and on fire to share the delicious vibe.
Ain’t it cool?....See you up the road my friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a Terri B. mobile! Sharp. And the Veggie U event sounds tantalizing. Food and philanthropy... just go hand in hand.
