Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Whoever said "you just can't orchestrate magic"....never hung around the Kitchens Bounty!  This past weekend I had my favorite visitors to Hilltop...the Grandkids!  They are fascinated by the "secret garden" and asked to have their lunch out there...just the "little kids,....I loved it.  But the fun is that in this gourmet kitchen the menu request was Mac n' Cheese and not the "yucky kind" from scratch but the good kind in the "blue and orange box"!  Yes Kraft Macaroni and Cheese was the star of the lunch table....(Okay, I did add a little more real butter and cream). The fun continued as I realized that Owen was still donning the angel wings he had discovered in a closet and wore all morning! Yes friends, there were Angels in the Garden....and guess what, you really just can't stage that...sometime magic just happens.  
Wishing you magic in your garden and at your table....

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Terri. These grandkids we are blessed to enjoy do invite the magic into our lives! The mac and cheese story- awesome! When my oldest was very little, I made chicken drumsticks for her in lieu of some beef dish I fed the adults. She thought I was a rock star and innocently asked, "You made this? How did you make the bone?" Clearly not ready to learn what a carnivore indulged in. If I had, I am certain she would be a vegetarian today!
